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Posts By Daniela Mustatea
April 10, 2018
Best Big Data Books to Read in 2018
If you want to improve your big data knowledge, then this article will give you an overview over some of the best big data books that can bring more light… Continue Reading
March 1, 2018
What is Big Data? - Infographic
The BIG in big data stands for doing things big, but also about doing big things. Our brains are very good at spotting patterns, differences, and… Continue Reading

February 20, 2018
Why Move to a Bare-Metal Cloud Infrastructure
In the 1960s computers were expensive, and not easily affordable even by companies. The concept of multitenancy started with time-sharing, which allowed… Continue Reading

January 17, 2018
The Benefits of Being a Data-Driven Company
Data-driven companies are 23 times more likely to find new customers. As with previous technological advances, not embracing it in time is a risk - the… Continue Reading

January 12, 2018
Intel CPU Flaws & Bare Metal - Is Single Tenancy the Answer?
As many of you may have found out, two huge security vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs were found by security researchers. They were dubbed Meltdown and Spectre,… Continue Reading

November 22, 2017
Smooth Run of Operations for Our Retailer Customers on Black Friday
Black Friday is the hottest day of the year for any retailer. Traffic and demand increases exponentially, and peaks in traffic are as high as you can… Continue Reading

June 22, 2017
Six Reasons Why Bigstep’s Bare Metal Cloud Is the Better Choice
Deciding to move the data and data-driven projects of an entire organization into the cloud might feel like a leap of faith, but we have come to know… Continue Reading
March 27, 2017
Big Data and the Long Tail
The Pareto Rule has yielded the floor to The Long Tail of Big Data.Big data has emerged as the latest and greatest of tools for marketers seeking to leverage… Continue Reading

March 17, 2017
Drowning in Data? Machine Learning Can Navigate the IoT
Will machine learning tame big data?The promise of big data is that it can be leveraged for big solutions across any industry. But Internet-connected… Continue Reading
March 3, 2017
When Data "Goes Dark"
What data is housed in the paper lying around your office? Paper documents, photos, video, or other corporate holdings are the next incremental step in… Continue Reading
March 2, 2017
Using Big Data to Create Big Change: How Nonprofits Can Leverage Data
Non-profits need big data to be more effective.From the financial to the pharmaceutical, industries are leveraging big data to make a bigger impact. But… Continue Reading
February 13, 2017
Hadoop in 2017: Bigger, Better, Faster?
Hadoop will stand strong in 2017.Hadoop not only lives in the big data cloud, it embodies the big data cloud. Owned by Apache, Hadoop turns 11 years old… Continue Reading

February 10, 2017
Big-Data-As-A-Service (BDaaS): Sparking the Next Big Data Evolution
BDaaS allows enterprise organizations to simplify deployment in the cloud.2017 may finally be the year for Big Data as a Service (BDaaS). Businesses have… Continue Reading

February 6, 2017
Without Data Visualization, Big Data is Just a Big Mess
Sometimes you have to see it to believe it. In the world of big data, sometimes you have to see it to understand it. True data insight comes from turning… Continue Reading
February 3, 2017
New Social Network Popular Among Consumers Wary of Big Data
People just want to be seen and heard. That's the human inclination that Facebook so brilliantly capitalized upon. But while you've been busy finding… Continue Reading

January 30, 2017
Ireland Ripe for Big Investments in Big Data
Investors are eyeing Ireland's promise as a big data hubPass me another Guinness and let me tell you a story of Ireland. Out of the lushly greening carpet… Continue Reading

January 27, 2017
How Big Data is Making Itself Essential to Insurance Companies
Big data puts a whole new spin on insurance analyticsInsurance companies have been collecting data on their clients for years. Actuarial accountants use… Continue Reading

January 23, 2017
Could Big Data Spell the End of Animal Testing in Biomedical Research?
Is there an alternative to invasive animal testing?The use of animals in biomedical, cosmetic, and military research affects 100 million dogs, cats, rabbits,… Continue Reading

January 20, 2017
Big Data Reveals New Pools of Untapped Luxury Buyers for Marketers to Target
Emerging markets represent a significant financial boon for many industries.Capitalizing on new and emerging markets for product sales could be the next… Continue Reading

January 19, 2017
How Big Data Could Pave the Way for Millennials to Get a Credit Score Without Having Credit
Many Millennials were just kids when the American economy went belly up in the 90s. The blowback after the housing market crash changed the established… Continue Reading

January 17, 2017
New Study Shows Cloud Computing Enables 92% of Big Data & the IoT
Cisco just released their service provider forecast predicting some potentially controversial benchmarks for 2020:--92% of big data traffic will be cloud-based.--74%… Continue Reading

January 13, 2017
3 Things You Probably Won't Like About 2017
Experts are predicting jobs and tech spending is on the upswing.The New Year always brings personal resolutions. This optimism is spilling into the business… Continue Reading

January 11, 2017
Three Ways You're Getting It All Wrong With Big Data
What are the baseline best practices in big data analytics?Don't you hate it when some smart aleck tells you you're doing it wrong?In the case of big… Continue Reading

January 9, 2017
3 Questions to Guide You to Success in Digital Transformation
"Everything changes and nothing stands still." (Heraclitus)In today's big data app economy, nothing could be truer. From cloud to mobile, the data companies… Continue Reading

January 6, 2017
Securing Big Data is Like Dressing for Winter: Best Done in Layers
Once upon a time there was a company that put a Cisco firewall on their new, always-on Internet connection. With this move their security was in place,… Continue Reading

December 30, 2016
How Data Analytics & the IoT are Revolutionizing CityManagement
The idea of a municipality using Internet of Things (IoT) devices isn't new. Between red light cameras and smart meters on houses, government agencies… Continue Reading

December 29, 2016
How Do Your Data Analytics Priorities Stack Up with the Rest?
Data Analytics. Such a short phrase that can mean so much for your organization. Without a solid plan, data analytics will fall short of the hype and… Continue Reading

December 27, 2016
Do Data Pros Belong in the IT Department or Somewhere Else?
There's no arguing it, big data is here to stay. It's a long-standing management tidbit that you can't manage what you don't measure. Today's systems… Continue Reading

December 23, 2016
5 Tech Positions Slated for Pay Raises in 2017
Self-driving cars. Supermarkets ditching not only the cashiers, but the self-checkout stations too. It doesn't take long to find a story about job loss… Continue Reading

December 5, 2016
5 Big Data Products You Need to Toss Out with Your 'Happy 2017" Party Napkins
Over the course of the past few years, big data has evolved from an incomprehensible buzzword to a little-understood but powerful plaything to an essential… Continue Reading

December 2, 2016
4 Ways You're Going to Succeed with Big Data & Digital Transformation in 2017
Flexibility. Scalability. Agility.These are just a few of the many buzzwords making the rounds on the business and tech blogs to define what it means… Continue Reading

November 28, 2016
Speed Racers! Comparing the Zippiness of the Top Big Data Tools
Hadoop was the first real entry into the big data race, and though it got somewhat of a slow start, it has emerged as the winning big data infrastructure.… Continue Reading

November 25, 2016
Hocus Pocus: Is it Data Science, or Is It Magic?
Back in the mid-1990s, IBM built a machine called Deep Blue. Deep Blue awed the world in 1996 by beating the then world chess champ at his own game under… Continue Reading

November 21, 2016
Is Splice Machine a Viable Option for Your Hadoop SQL Database?
In the grand land of databases, you have the traditional RDBMS (here's lookin' at you, SQL) and an impressive lineup of the sexy, modern NoSQLs (say hey… Continue Reading

November 18, 2016
Close Enough to Perfect: Making the Case for Hadoop
Hadoop isn't perfect. In fact, it has some significant flaws, not the least of which is its security (though there have been steps recently to partially… Continue Reading

November 14, 2016
Search: The Big Data Secret That No One's Talking About
Sometimes, when a new technology is introduced, it takes off in unexpected ways. It's easy to get off track and lose focus of what the real intent and… Continue Reading

November 11, 2016
MongoDB: The Freaky Patchwork Quilt of the Database World
MongoDB is one of dozens of NoSQL databases that are gradually taking over for relational databases as big data enters the world of business. Relational… Continue Reading

November 8, 2016
Spark Structured Streaming in Practice
Bigstep Solution Architect Andrei Muraru @ the HUG UK & Big Data Analytics London MeetupHow does Spark Structured Streaming work with real-time big… Continue Reading

November 7, 2016
How WHO is Using Big Data to Figure Out How You're Gonna Die
Last year around the world, 50 million adults died. One-half of those deaths, or approximately 25 million, were the result of just ten diseases. What… Continue Reading

November 4, 2016
5 Useful Things to Know Before Choosing Between Hadoop & Spark
There's a lot of "Hadoop versus Spark" type articles and blog posts circulating in the tech journals, but inevitably it doesn't have to be a competition.… Continue Reading

November 2, 2016
What's Up with 'Virtual Data Rooms'? Exploring the Security Trend You'll be Hearing All About Next Year
Virtual data rooms (usually abbreviated to just VDR) are Web-based repositories of information used to store and distribute documents. VDRs are immensely… Continue Reading

October 28, 2016
4 Reasons to Get Started on Your Big Data Career Today
The industry of big data is expected to reach a market worth of $187 billion by the year 2019. Wouldn't you like a chunk of that change? Whether you're… Continue Reading

October 24, 2016
Don't Use Apache Spark Before Reading This Useful Guide!
Apache Spark is among the most promising solutions for in-memory data processing that is capable of advanced batch and real-time analytics within the… Continue Reading

October 21, 2016
The Real Elephant in the Room: Why No One Wants to Talk About Big Data Security
Gone are the days when businesses sit on the sidelines, mulling about whether they'll actually get an ROI for investments in big data. Hadoop, Spark,… Continue Reading

October 11, 2016
Bigstep Launches the First Real-Time Container Service
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bigstep, the big-data cloud provider, today launched Bigstep Real-Time Container Service designed especially for real-time streaming… Continue Reading

October 10, 2016
2 Insanely Clever Tips & Tricks for Running Spark on Hadoop
After some interesting industry banter about whether Hadoop or Spark would inevitably rule the universe of big data analytics, it's decided. There's room… Continue Reading

October 10, 2016
Building Data Lakes in the Cloud
Understand why building a data lake in the cloud entails different particularities than building it on premisesEvery industry has both proven and potential… Continue Reading

October 7, 2016
5 Essential Tips for the Hadoop Ecosystem You Must Know Before 2017
You sat on the sidelines, anxiously awaiting the play caller's decision. Is big data and data analytics the way to score a touchdown, or is the call still… Continue Reading

October 3, 2016
Big Data Becoming the Bare Essential for Business
Big data has been the biggest IT buzzword of the decade. For several years, it's dominated business news journals, tech zines, marketing mags, and industry… Continue Reading

September 30, 2016
Debunking 3 Myths About the Data Lake
Whether your organization is just dipping your feet in the pond of big data or dunk all the way in for a swim there regularly, someone at some point has… Continue Reading

September 26, 2016
How Big Data is Helping to Take a Bite Out of World Hunger
In a world with 7 billion souls, two-thirds of them go hungry on a regular basis. This is in spite of the fact that about 30 percent of the food the world… Continue Reading

September 23, 2016
Stanford Leads the Way Towards Ethical Use of Big Data in Higher Ed
Colleges and universities would love nothing more than to deliver an educational experience so personalized that no student ever drops out and all students… Continue Reading

September 15, 2016
Big Data Gets Super-Fast with Ubuntu on Bigstep Metal Cloud
Bigstep gains Ubuntu Public Cloud certificationUbuntu Server images are optimized for performance, security, dependability on Bigstep Metal Cloud, with… Continue Reading

September 14, 2016
How Big Data Made a Big Splash in the Rio Olympic Games
Long before Olympians are groomed for the cameras and briefed about the fears over the Zitka virus, big data was helping them shave tiny fractions of… Continue Reading

September 12, 2016
Secret Ingredients: 5 Essential Herbs & Spices for Every Streaming Data Platform
Are you cooking up a streaming data platform to handle incoming data from your mobile apps, websites, or Internet of Things devices? If so, there are… Continue Reading

September 5, 2016
4 Things You Need to Know to Get the Most from Docker Containers
Containers are a technology that allows you to stuff more compute workloads onto a single server, giving you the ability to upscale capacity for new compute… Continue Reading

September 2, 2016
Elasticsearch 101: The Basics
Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytical engine (search engine). It operates as a super-fast search within a particular dataset, is multi-tenant,… Continue Reading

August 29, 2016
How to Choose the Right NoSQL Database for All the Right Reasons
If you're taking on big data, you'll quickly realize that that means taking on a lot of unstructured data. Unstructured data doesn't fit into a typical… Continue Reading

August 26, 2016
What's New & Exciting for the Hadoop Ecosystem These Days?
Remember a few years ago, when Hadoop took knocks left and right for lacking usability, security, and other key features and functionality? Well, no more.… Continue Reading

August 22, 2016
What is a Metal Cloud?
If you've been shopping around for cloud services, especially for big data storage and analytics, you've likely stumbled across the term 'metal cloud'… Continue Reading

August 19, 2016
After the Storm Comes the Heron: How Twitter's Heron is Attempting to Replace Apache Storm
For the past couple of years, the big data debates have largely involved discussions of Hadoop versus Spark, Spark versus Storm, and MapReduce versus,… Continue Reading

August 8, 2016
5 Things Driving the Phenomenal Success of Apache Spark
If Hadoop is the tool that ushered in the era of big data, Spark is the one that's driving the next phase of its evolution. Spark is the brainchild of… Continue Reading

August 5, 2016
6 Ways to Get More Convenience Out of Spark in the Cloud
So, you got Spark. Since you wanted to save tons on storage (plus eliminate all that hassle setting up and maintaining your architecture), you opted for… Continue Reading

August 3, 2016
Bigstep to Bring Big Data Week to Chicago and London This Fall
Anchor Events Highlight Practical Use Cases, Best Practices and Effective Approaches from Leaders at Google, Facebook, TripAdvisor, Shazam and More.CHICAGO--(BUSINESS… Continue Reading

August 1, 2016
4 Things to Know About Hadoop & Apache Spark
Within the marketplace of big data and analytical products, Hadoop and Spark are often pitted as competitors. That's not really the case. Many big data… Continue Reading

July 28, 2016
Offloading Mainframe Data Into Hadoop: 4 Things You Need to Know
For those who have spent the last decade steeped in all things cloud, virtualized environments, and Hadoop ecosystems, it may come as a shock that some… Continue Reading

July 27, 2016
Bigstep and Helioserv Announce a Strategic Partnership to Deliver Big Data Hackathons
Partnership formed to provide Hackathon-in-a-Box, the fastest possible track to data-driven insights.CHICAGO & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bigstep, the… Continue Reading

July 25, 2016
3 Pain Points in NoSQL Security
When open source NoSQL databases were first being developed, there was mostly a strong desire to know if they would succeed with this model of developing… Continue Reading

July 22, 2016
Hadoop Overview: What is It? What is It Used for? Do You Need It?
The concept of big data isn't new at all. While the exact conception point of modern big data can likely be traced back (according to Forbes) to the identification… Continue Reading

July 18, 2016
Covering the Basics: Spark as a Service
Developed by the Apache Software Foundation, which specializes in open source software and has taken a particular fancy to big data analytical tools,… Continue Reading

July 15, 2016
5 Best Practices for Securing Your Data in NoSQL Applications
Perhaps the most compelling argument for the mass adoption of NoSQL is the general lack of buzz. Not that nobody's writing about it or talking about it,… Continue Reading

July 11, 2016
Hadoop Then & Now: Doug Cutting's Take on the Past, the Present, and the Future of This Game-Changing Technology
Not only is Doug Cutting the brains behind the most successful big data platform, Hadoop, he is also one of the reasons why the open source community… Continue Reading

July 8, 2016
4 Powerful Ways Manufacturers are Putting Big Data to Extraordinarily Good Use
There has been so much emphasis on how big data is being used in industries like banking, security, and especially marketing. Less is said about how it… Continue Reading

July 4, 2016
Can You Hire Big Data & Fire Your Lawyer? The Future of AI in Business Law
One of the most hotly contested aspects of taking on artificial intelligence (AI) has always been the potential for machines to take over jobs that have… Continue Reading

June 30, 2016
5 Tips & Tricks for Staying Out of the Ditch with Data Analytics
Data analytics has probably been discussed and debated as much as any of the disruptive technologies that have rocked our times. Finally, a clear set… Continue Reading

June 28, 2016
Bigstep Launches Bare-Metal Cloud for Big Data in the U.S.
Bigstep, the only provider of a full-stack bare-metal cloud built for big data, announced its launch in the U.S. From its new Chicago-based data center… Continue Reading

June 27, 2016
5 Rules for Avoiding a Big Crash & Burn with Big Data
In the wide world of racing, the goal is to field a car capable of zooming around the track at optimal speeds, avoiding a fiery crash into the wall or… Continue Reading

June 24, 2016
Why the Future of Cyber Security Lies in Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
Just a cursory look around the world of cyber security is enough to deduce: we aren't doing a good enough job. The cyber criminal organization Carbanak… Continue Reading

June 22, 2016
Worldwide Bare Metal Cloud Market Growth of 43.2%
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Worldwide Bare Metal Cloud Market - Types (Hardware, Software, and Services),… Continue Reading

June 20, 2016
5 Exciting Trends Reshaping the Universe of Data Storage Right Now
For a very long time, the wide world of data storage was, well, a bit stagnant. Yes, storage costs came down over time, as capacity and supply increased,… Continue Reading

June 17, 2016
4 Takeaways on Big Data We Can Glean from the 2016 US Presidential Campaigns
Waaaaay back in 2008, the first time Obama was elected, big data wasn't even a buzzword. It was more like a dark art form. The concept of dealing in terms… Continue Reading

June 6, 2016
Planning Your Summer Vacay? Here are 4 Awesomely Nerdy Destinations for the Tech Geek's Ultimate Getaway
It's time for Bermuda shorts and ridiculous tourist-style Hawaiian tops, flip flops, and sunburns. But where should the tech geeks among us head for this… Continue Reading

June 3, 2016
5 Big Trends Poised to Change the Future of Big Data Analytics
As we reach the midpoint of 2016, where does big data stand? What trends are emerging that will affect big data and analytics heading towards the end… Continue Reading

May 30, 2016
Why Better BI May Lie in the Cloud (But Not the One You're Thinking)
What is the single greatest factor that affects business performance today? Do you think it's new technologies? Maybe it's the economy. Perhaps, it's… Continue Reading

May 27, 2016
2016: The Year World Governments Decided to Reform Data Privacy
In 1998, the European Union, United States, and Switzerland entered an agreement called Safe Harbor, which was enacted to assure that the data collected,… Continue Reading

May 20, 2016
5 Myths About Data Breaches You Can Stop Believing Now
Headline news is what most of us use to gauge the state of cyber security. After all, it's what we see, hear, and think about. But the headlines (by nature)… Continue Reading

May 18, 2016
The World's 3 Most Massive Data Breaches & The Lessons You Can Learn From Them
What was the biggest data breach ever? Was it the infamous Sony hack that ended 2014? Maybe it was the much-publicized US Office of Personnel Management… Continue Reading

May 16, 2016
Is NoSQL the Future of Big Data?
Typically, the way Gartner and other market analysts judge adoption levels of a new technology is to assess their market shares. For example, the dollars… Continue Reading

May 12, 2016
Are Data Breaches Even More Common Than We Are Led to Believe?
A cursory look at some of the numbers on data breaches can be misleading. For instance, while there were just 400 reported cases of data breaches over… Continue Reading

May 9, 2016
A Buyer's Guide to BI Analytics Tools & Solutions
Big data has passed buzzword status and progressed to must-have-business-solution. Your competitors are getting into big data, which means you either… Continue Reading

May 6, 2016
How Big Data Fits Into Your Content Marketing Strategy
Big data has made a huge mark on virtually every industry on earth. From manufacturing goods to transporting same, from assessing financial risk to determining… Continue Reading

May 2, 2016
How Big Data is Delivering Operational Intelligence in Real Time
Big data is often associated with batch processing -- analytics that takes a lot of time. But increasingly, new data processing and analytical tools are… Continue Reading

April 29, 2016
How to Choose the Right Programming Language for Your Big Data Initiatives
So, you have big plans for big data. You've picked out a lovely infrastructure and it's time to get started. But one question remains: which language… Continue Reading

April 25, 2016
5 of the Best Books to Put on Your Big Data Reading List for Summer 2016
Last year, readers thoroughly enjoyed our run-down of the top big data books for the year. As you prepare for summer vacation, you'll probably want to… Continue Reading

April 22, 2016
4 Things to Look for When Choosing Your Data Lake Vendor
In the beginning was the database, and the database was good. It stored all of the transactional data and powered your users and applications quite nicely.… Continue Reading

April 18, 2016
5 Ways to Use Big Data That Have Nothing to Do With Marketing
For all of the buzz about big data and analytics, most of the real world use cases you read about involve marketing. It's true: big data is powerful for… Continue Reading

April 15, 2016
3 Predictions for Hadoop & Big Data Between Now and 2021
The past few years have brought some growing pains for big data and Hadoop. They had to fight the reputation that they were just buzzwords and had nothing… Continue Reading

April 9, 2016
Big Data Gone Wild! And How to Tame the Beast
Has big data gotten completely out of control in your organization? Maybe the initiative is not delivering the expected ROI, or perhaps the results you're… Continue Reading

April 1, 2016
MapR Converged Data Platform Now Available in Our Technology Stack
We are pleased to announce that the highest-performance Hadoop distribution is now available on the Bigstep platform.MapR on the Bigstep platform is… Continue Reading

March 31, 2016
Is Your IoT Initiative Bringing Your Organization Chaos, or Have You Mastered Data Curation?
After a few thousand years of technological advancement, ranging from the invention of the horse-powered buggy to the innovation of the 10,000-horsepower… Continue Reading

March 30, 2016
Bigstep Nominated as Most Innovative Enterprise Product of the Year
The Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) and Cloud Pro have announced the Shortlist for the UK Cloud Awards 2016. Bigstep is competing for the ”Most Innovative… Continue Reading

March 25, 2016
'Data Scientist' Earns Top Spot in 'Best Jobs in America'
What do you think the best job in the country is? One guy works as a personal shopper for clients looking for exotic sports cars--that's a cool job.Another… Continue Reading

March 18, 2016
4 Cyber Security Trends You Never Saw Coming
Most of the cyber attacks and data breaches you hear about are of the garden variety. The Sony hack, for example, and data breaches at Ashley Madison… Continue Reading

February 15, 2016
How Healthcare Organizations Can Avoid Getting Smacked in the Age of SMAC
SMAC is a fun little acronym conjured up to convey the concepts of "social, mobile, analytics, and cloud" that have been so prevalent and disruptive over… Continue Reading

February 12, 2016
How to Enable & Support Good Data Stewardship in Your Organization
Data stewardship is the act and responsibility of handling and managing data quality within an organization. Sometimes it's the job title of a single… Continue Reading

February 8, 2016
Recapping the Year of Transition for Hadoop & NoSQL
In 2015, Hadoop and NoSQL gained mainstream adoption and big data moved from buzzword to real investment. Both platforms grew and matured, with numerous… Continue Reading

February 5, 2016
The Pink Elephant in the Room: How IT Ignores Blatant Security Issues, Even in the Era of the Data Breach
What would happen if you completely ignored your car maintenance or home maintenance? What if you bought a car and drove it for years with no oil changes,… Continue Reading

February 1, 2016
Is Self-Serve Analytics a Viable Option in Your IT Environment?
When big data and data analytics first hit the scene, getting answers and business intelligence out of the data was like pulling teeth out of a charging… Continue Reading

January 27, 2016
What's Valuable, Sensitive, and Floating Around on the Deep, Dangerous, Dark Web? Your Data
It happens all too frequently: a large, well-known organization issues a press release, admitting that [insert horrifying number here] of their customers',… Continue Reading

January 27, 2016
8 Trends in Cloud Computing & Big Data to Watch in 2016
Have you settled into the new year, or at least quit dating everything 2015? Good. That means it's time to take a look at what this year has in store… Continue Reading

January 25, 2016
4 Questions to Ask (and Answer!) Before Taking on Big Data in Your Organization
Most businesses are aware of the concept of big data. A fair number have begun using it. But big data hasn't yet permeated all businesses and industries,… Continue Reading

January 22, 2016
The Top 5 Hottest Tech Trends for 2016
Last year was dominated by mobile technologies, everything "aaS", and the data breach. In fact, security dominated a sizeable portion of 2015 tech news… Continue Reading

January 20, 2016
7 Things You Need to Know About Implementing Cloud Services
After a few years of proving its value, addressing security concerns, and developing viable business models, the cloud has achieved a significant market… Continue Reading

January 18, 2016
Ransomware: What You Need to Know to Secure Your Data Today
Each year, major cyber security companies and other industry experts release their predictions for the year ahead. These predictions include what attacks… Continue Reading

January 14, 2016
Hacktivism: What It is and How You Can Avoid Becoming a Target
New years are new beginnings. In our personal lives, that usually means rethinking and recommitting to goals like physical fitness, financial prosperity,… Continue Reading

January 11, 2016
Do I Need the Free or Enterprise Version of Splunk?
Splunk is a powerful tool for operational intelligence and otherwise monitoring, searching, and analyzing big data. Splunk is available in three versions:… Continue Reading

January 8, 2016
A Look Ahead at the Cyber Security Forecast for 2016
The year 2015 was really just an extension of the year before in terms of cyber security. It featured lots of high-profile data breaches, some garden-variety… Continue Reading

December 28, 2015
The Human Touch: Why Big Data Isn't Just About the Technology
The Machine Age has given way to the Information Age, but many are calling this the Second Machine Age, since the information we possess is far beyond… Continue Reading

December 23, 2015
Why Spark Isn't Going to Dethrone Hadoop Anytime Soon
Once upon a time, Yahoo! needed a way to scale out storage, along with the ability to parallelize tasks, without emptying the king's coffers. The king's… Continue Reading

December 21, 2015
What Separates a Successful Data Lake from an Unsuccessful One?
The data lake is a relative newcomer to the land of data storage, but it's rapidly making a name for itself for several reasons. Data lakes are ideal… Continue Reading

December 17, 2015
What is the Difference Between Virtualization and the Private Cloud?
If you read the statistics, use of the private cloud infrastructure is on the rise. In fact, some years it has doubled year over year. Some resources… Continue Reading

December 15, 2015
Bigstep Launches First to Market Data Lake as a Service
Now Part of Bigstep’s Full Metal Cloud, Designed for Big DataDecember 15, 2015 07:21 AM Eastern Standard TimeLONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today big… Continue Reading

December 14, 2015
5 Incredible Ways to Use Your Hadoop-Based Data Lake
When a new concept comes along, the first thing it has to prove to the marketplace is why it is a valuable thing and what it has to offer that previous… Continue Reading

December 10, 2015
5 Disruptive Trends That Will Shape Big Data, Hadoop, and Cloud Storage in 2016
The tinsel is hung, Cyber Monday has come and gone, and hopefully you've decided whom to lure under the mistletoe. Instead of sneaking a peek at the gifts… Continue Reading

November 30, 2015
What Goes Into Designing a Successful Data Lake?
Data lakes are a relatively new concept. Data lakes are the solution to data silos, where data gets locked away and becomes inaccessible to other systems,… Continue Reading

November 27, 2015
4 Big Goofs to Avoid When Creating Your Data Lake
If you're in the position of managing organizational data, you've probably heard about the concept of data lakes. While data lakes are marked by their… Continue Reading

November 23, 2015
Embracing Cloud? NoSQL Might be Your Ticket to the Skies
To read the blogs and news posts, you would assume that all businesses have already successfully migrated to the cloud, and if yours has not you are behind… Continue Reading

November 19, 2015
The Cloud Isn't the Only Reason You Need NoSQL
Many organizations take on NoSQL in order to move workloads to the cloud. However, there are many other reasons to consider delving into NoSQL. It is… Continue Reading

November 16, 2015
Data Breaches are Now Commonplace: How Can You Keep Safe?
The year 2014 was dubbed 'the year of the data breach', but it looks like 2015 will meet or surpass it in terms of the numbers, sizes, and severity of… Continue Reading

November 15, 2015
Interview with Ben Lorica for Big Data Week
Big Data Week will debute on 23 November, having the main conference on Nov 25, in London. We are the Elite Sponsor for the eventThis blog post is part… Continue Reading

November 13, 2015
Big Data Feels the Need, The Need for Speed
Just like other recent tech innovations -- mobile, cloud, social, etc. -- big data has proven its worth. Organizations no longer question its role in… Continue Reading

November 6, 2015
Are You Ready to Rumble? NoSQL and Relational DBs Face Off
Don't you just love a heated debate among tech geeks? Along with arguments over the rightful place of cloud computing, the merits and risks of BYOD, and… Continue Reading

November 6, 2015
Have Your Say At Big Data Week London!
Scientists, visualizers, analysts and executives: you’re invited to be a part of The Big Data Week Community. You want your big data story to be… Continue Reading

November 2, 2015
5 Cyber Security Mistakes That Led to the Dow Jones Security Breach
In early October, publisher and financial news and information firm Dow Jones & Company announced that it was apparently the latest victim of hackers… Continue Reading

October 30, 2015
5 Big Data Lessons to Learn from the Middle Eastern Refugee Crisis
Not since the second world war have nations been so pressed to accommodate such an overwhelming influx of refugees. Pouring in from war-torn, impoverished,… Continue Reading

October 19, 2015
Big Data Goes Wild! How Big Data is Making a Big Difference to Wildlife
Big data can help business in many ways: improving everything from marketing to production to research and development. It's also proven invaluable to… Continue Reading

October 16, 2015
3 Totally Awesome Real-World Uses for Big Data
You've read a lot about big data, and are probably familiar with a few ways it is used in the real world. For instance, most people are aware that big… Continue Reading

October 12, 2015
Is Your Data Lake an Episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive?
Limited offer! Discover the first Full Metal Data Lake as a Service in the world. Get 1TB free for life - limited to 100 applicants. Start here.Have you… Continue Reading

October 9, 2015
It's Not Too Late to be a Big Data Scientist When You Grow Up
The average data scientists commands considerably more than $100,000 per year. At top employers like Twitter and Facebook, that figure is well over $135,000… Continue Reading

October 5, 2015
This Big Data is Too Hot, This Big Data is Too Cold, and This Big Data is Just Right
Almost every business is aware of the growth of data and is trying to figure out ways to deal with it. Some organizations have begun a "big data initiative"… Continue Reading

October 2, 2015
Big Data's 'Elephant in the Room': The Issue Nobody Wants to Talk About
It's been a hushed murmur in LinkedIn discussions and blog posts. It's a silent scream in many businesses. But until now, it hasn't been spoken aloud.… Continue Reading

September 28, 2015
The Data Lake Wars Are Just Beginning
If you’re in the IT business, you’ve probably heard about the data lake concept. Even though the term was coined a few years ago, it’s only recently being… Continue Reading

September 28, 2015
Calling the McLaren Team
A team works to improve performance in Formula 1 racing. A couple of years later, they’re asked to help with airport efficiency, oil drilling and drug… Continue Reading

September 28, 2015
Now You See It, Now You See It Better: How to Turn Big Data Into a Purposeful Visual Presentation
By now, it's common knowledge that the reason the space shuttle Challenger blew up mid-launch was because of an O-ring that failed at temperature. What's… Continue Reading

September 25, 2015
5 Best Practices to Assure Your Data Lake is Swimmingly Successful
As big data becomes a mainstay in the business, many organizations are abandoning the data warehouse for data lakes. With a data lake, you don't have… Continue Reading

September 21, 2015
Is a Data Lake the Better Solution to Your Data Warehousing Issues?
The good old data warehouse has serviced business admirably for decades. Generally structured as a relational database, it is the go-to data resource… Continue Reading

September 21, 2015
When Data Meets Philosophy
When it comes to big data, philosophy is a bit overwhelmed. Attitudes vary tremendously. Some people fear it, others see it as necessary (but distrust… Continue Reading

September 18, 2015
Is Big Data a Bigot? How Big Data Can Lead to Unintentional Discrimination
Discrimination based on one's age, sex, race, sexual orientation, handicap, and other issues is wrong. Not only is it wrong, but in many cases it is illegal.… Continue Reading

September 17, 2015
Music + Big Data = Music Science
Music and statistics have gone hand in hand since the beginning of radio. But lately digitization, the decline of analog devices and the rise of analytics… Continue Reading

September 11, 2015
Webinar: “A Business User’s Guide to Big Data on Hadoop" (September 23rd)
On the 23rd of September, Ioana Hreninciuc and Andrew J Brust will host the “Business User’s Guide to Big Data on Hadoop” webinar. The… Continue Reading

September 7, 2015
Are You Ready for the Future of Big Data?
The initial surge of the big data revolution is winding down. Most businesses are now at least aware of the potential big data holds and have a plan in… Continue Reading

September 4, 2015
Full Metal Data Lake - The First Data Lake as a Service in The World
The Full Metal Data Lake is hereWe are pleased to annouce the first Data-Lake-as-a-Service in the world! Bigstep's Full Metal Data Lake is the easiest,… Continue Reading

September 4, 2015
Get Your Enterprise (NCC-1701D) Ready for Data Lake
Say you’re Captain Picard. Your company is your flagship. Your Enterprise. With the right strategy, your ship can take you anywhere. But it must run flawlessly.… Continue Reading

September 4, 2015
Can Big Data Take the Guesswork Out of Identifying Successful Startups?
For every ten businesses started, nine will fail. The failure rate fluctuates by industry, with nearly 60 percent of real estate businesses hanging on… Continue Reading

August 31, 2015
Is the Enterprise Ready for OpenStack?
Linux is secure, flexible, scalable, reliable, and agile. Linux is a natural companion to OpenStack, so where Linux goes, OpenStack goes. For now, that's… Continue Reading

August 28, 2015
Ouch! 4 Big Data Pain Points That Need a Remedy Now
What pain points are preventing you from undertaking a big data initiative, or making it slower, harder, and more expensive to get yours off the ground?… Continue Reading

August 26, 2015
Big Data In Science
A retail store needs big data to track its merchandise. Another company leverages big data in order to streamline its manufacturing process, or looks… Continue Reading

August 26, 2015
Expert Interview with Jorge Balcells on Green Data
Where do Cloud Computing and Green IT intersect? We recently asked Jorge L. Balcells, Director of Technical Services for Verne Global. Continue Reading

August 24, 2015
Malvertizing: What It is and What You Need to Know to Keep Your Network Secure
What happens when you wrap a zero day attack into a drive by download attack and load it into a Flash-based advertisement? The result is a malvertizement,… Continue Reading

August 21, 2015
How Big Data Can Improve Your Supply Chain
Big data has made enormous changes to the sales and marketing departments -- allowing those professionals to personalize a customer service experience… Continue Reading

August 21, 2015
Health-Related Data a Top Target for Hackers
Since September 2009, there have been 1,282 data breaches involving the healthcare community, according to the official figures of the US government.… Continue Reading

August 20, 2015
Robots to Judge and Hire Us
The New York Times says artificial intelligence can hire people and do a pretty good job at it. The Wall Street Journal says the same. Some are not convinced.… Continue Reading

August 14, 2015
Hadoop Adoption Just Got Way Easier
Predictions for Hadoop adoption among enterprises have been highly hopeful. One such prediction anticipated that Hadoop would achieve a 75 percent adoption… Continue Reading

August 13, 2015
A Business User’s Guide to Big Data on Hadoop
This webcast will give an overview of deploying Hadoop within the organization as a strategic initiative for business advantage. Rather than viewing distributed… Continue Reading

August 11, 2015
Big Data is Here to Entertain You
What do comedian Aziz Ansari and Mark Zuckerberg have in common? They both understand the power of big data. Continue Reading

August 5, 2015
The Rise of the Storytelling Machines
In 1965, Stanislaw Lem imagined in his science fiction book Cyberiad a machine that could write stories and poems. In 2015, we can confidently forget about… Continue Reading

August 4, 2015
5 Unexpected Ways to Use Big Data
People are already using Big Data in ways that nobody could have predicted only a few years ago. Here are some of the most unexpected examples.The algorithms… Continue Reading

August 3, 2015
Become a Meteorologist With Just Your Phone
Using computers in weather prediction has been around for a long time. In the 60’s, Edward Lorenz used a very basic machine to model Earth’s weather patterns.… Continue Reading

August 3, 2015
Debunked! 6 Myths About Big Data You Need to Know the Truth About
Have you been reading and studying about big data? If so, you've probably already picked up a few myths, accepting them as absolute facts. We're here… Continue Reading

July 31, 2015
5 Practical Ways Your Business Can Use Big Data Now
What can big data do for you? Is it worth taking on the challenges of Hadoop, NoSQL databases, Hive, Python, and/or Docker? The answer is yes: big data… Continue Reading

July 24, 2015
Big Data for the Little Business
Big data is for the Fortune 500 guys, right? It's the sole property of the deep pockets and tech giants like Google and Facebook and Twitter. If you're… Continue Reading

July 22, 2015
5 Reasons Why Your Data Analysis is Inaccurate
Are you getting inconsistent or confusing results from your big data analysis? There are several common mistakes that lead to inaccuracies. The good news… Continue Reading

July 20, 2015
How Does Mobile and Wearable Tech Affect Your Big Data Privacy Policies?
Just about the time you think you've got a handle on securing the data and providing privacy for your customers, vendors, and others on whom you hold… Continue Reading

July 17, 2015
How Big Data Can Help You Improve Your Customers' Experience
Imagine you just walked into your favorite neighborhood diner. The moment your silhouette darkens the door, the waitress lets out a friendly yell to the… Continue Reading

July 15, 2015
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: NOT the End of the World as We Know It
Have you heard the latest warnings by geniuses like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and Elton Musk? According to them, machines taking over the world is… Continue Reading

July 13, 2015
How to Run a Big Data Benchmarking Test
Are you preparing to conduct benchmark testing on your big data operations? This testing is essential to determine whether your efforts and changes are… Continue Reading

July 10, 2015
4 Takeaways from the Recent Data Breach of US Government Security Agency
Today is not a good day to be an employee of the US federal government. One of the worst data breaches in history has compromised the private, sensitive… Continue Reading

July 8, 2015
US Government Expands Big Data Project Collecting Information on Civilians Without Search Warrants
In the US, one of the most solid protections against an overly aggressive or invasive government is the idea of the search warrant. Without a search warrant,… Continue Reading

July 6, 2015
Expert Interview with Ajay Ohri on the Importance of Big Data
"It has been proven comprehensively that data-driven decisions will beat instinct-driven decisions," notes Ajay Ohri of DecisionStats. Ajay was kind enough… Continue Reading

July 3, 2015
Expert Interview with Daniel Lemire on Better Uses for Big Data
Daniel Lemire is a professor of computer science at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, as well as a dedicated blogger and DIYer (he makes everything… Continue Reading

June 27, 2015
Memory, Big Data, NoSQL and Virtualization
In-memory processing has started to become the norm in large-scale data handling. This is aclose to the metal analysis of highly important but often neglected… Continue Reading

June 26, 2015
Is It Time for Our DB Administrator to Delve Into NoSQL?
Along with all of the media and blogging buzz about big data, NoSQL databases have crept into the headlines. Many proponents of big data are adamant that… Continue Reading

June 24, 2015
3 Real-Live Big Data Success Stories That Prove You Can Make It Happen
Have you been sitting on the sidelines, waiting to see whether others achieved that promised success with big data, or instead fell flat on their faces?… Continue Reading

June 19, 2015
What is the Next Generation Firewall? How Can You Choose One?
In the market for a new firewall? The next generation firewall (NGFW) is a distinct improvement over the previous generation for this era of Internet… Continue Reading

June 17, 2015
How Can You Explain Hadoop to the Non-Techies in the C-Suite?
Getting upper management to expand the IT budget is hard enough when they actually understand what you're asking for, like new PCs or better Wi-Fi. But… Continue Reading

June 16, 2015
Introducing The Full Metal Control Center
Big data environments at your fingertipsThe Full Metal Cloud is introducing a new version of the Control Center, which allows you, whether you come from… Continue Reading

June 14, 2015
Expert Interview with Doug Rich on the Rise of Virtualization
The rise of virtualization has been a boon for enterprises large and small, but that doesn't mean the transition from more predictable storage methods… Continue Reading

June 12, 2015
Does Taking on Hadoop Mean the End of Your Data Warehouse?
There seems to be some confusion among executives -- many respond in polls to indicate that Hadoop will eventually replace their data warehouses entirely.… Continue Reading

June 10, 2015
The Database VS the Data Warehouse: What's the Difference and Which Do You Need?
In this era of big data, it's becoming increasingly difficult to determine what type of data storage you need to conduct day-to-day business operations… Continue Reading

June 8, 2015
IaaS Versus PaaS Versus SaaS: What are the Differences?
If you have contracted for cloud computing services, your service falls under one of these categories: Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, or… Continue Reading

June 6, 2015
Interview: Matt Pfeil of DataStax on Apache Cassandra and Big Data
Everybody knows that big data is big business, but few know why - let alone how best to take advantage of it.DataStax is built around the Apache Cassandra,… Continue Reading

June 5, 2015
What is IaaS and How Does It Fit in Your Organization?
As you shop for technology solutions, you'll come across terms like "SaaS," "PaaS," and "IaaS." These are terms used to describe a new business model… Continue Reading

June 3, 2015
Oleg Shilovitsky Of Beyond PLM On Big Data Trends For PLM
Big data is making its way into every field and industry, as companies continue to work out all the angles on how technology can help optimize their businesses.… Continue Reading

June 1, 2015
Anita Garimella Andrews on Data-Driven Decision Making
If you want to lessen data management growing pains in the future, then you need to implement thoughtful data structure right at the start, says Anita… Continue Reading

May 29, 2015
What Do People Use the Cloud for?
Perhaps more than any other modern technology, the cloud is most misunderstood. What is it? Where is it? What is it for? The cloud is just a term to describe… Continue Reading

May 27, 2015
What is an IT Service Broker and Do You Need One?
Information technology is getting complicated. It's so complex, in fact, that staying on top of business technology can become so consuming that businesses… Continue Reading

May 25, 2015
Expert Interview with Daniel D. Gutierrez on Big Data Headlines
For IT teams to ensure they stay ahead of the curve on security and new technology related to big data, they need to start putting together their data… Continue Reading

May 22, 2015
How Can You Be Sure Your Information is Secure in the Cloud?
Have you read all of the warnings about cloud computing? If so, you likely have some concerns about how safe cloud storage really is. Fortunately, there… Continue Reading

May 20, 2015
But, Really, What Is the Cloud?
The cloud: it's what everybody is talking about, few truly understand, and even fewer can agree on an exact definition. What does it mean to "store something… Continue Reading

May 18, 2015
OrientDB Interview On Multi-Model DBs Management For Big Data
Speed, efficiency, and ease of visualizing information are some of the greatest opportunities Big Data offers. This speed and efficiency goes straight… Continue Reading

May 15, 2015
How Software Pirates are Getting a Free Pass on Windows 10
When the new Windows 10 finally rolls out -- which is expected to happen this summer, most likely by July -- it represents a significant change from Microsoft's… Continue Reading

May 13, 2015
Soft Skills and IT: How to Hire Tech Workers With the Right Stuff
IT departments need a specific set of hard skills: the technical training and experience that helps them do their jobs. But often what sets apart the… Continue Reading

May 11, 2015
4 Customer Analytics You Can't Afford to Ignore
Never have we been able to know our customers as well as we do today, thanks to Big Data. We can now glean everything from where they live to how much… Continue Reading

May 8, 2015
Data Driven Digital Marketing - How Hadoop Can Help
Data leads to proper analysis, which in turn leads to more conversions. Every successful marketing strategy relies on data to get the desired results.… Continue Reading

May 6, 2015
Is the Tech Worker Labor Shortage Threatening Your IT Security?
For several years, rumors have abounded that there is a shortage of IT workers. Some say there is; others say there isn't. But the reported shortage of… Continue Reading

May 4, 2015
The Top 8 Things to Know About Implementing BYOD Policies
The jury is in, and they have a verdict: whether you like it or not, BYOD is here and here to stay. Now that the ruling is out of the way, it's time to… Continue Reading

May 1, 2015
Big Data and SEO: How the Two Can Partner Up
Search engine optimization is all about making sure that you get the best possible results from your online presence, and one of the most interesting… Continue Reading

April 28, 2015
Learn From Bigstep & EXASOL How To Start With Big Data In Minutes
Start making big data with no training required We have teamed up with EXASOL to discuss how simple it is to make big data analytics with no training… Continue Reading

April 15, 2015
How to Provide Enterprise-Level Security to Cloud-Based Apps
Cloud-based apps are a must-have these days. Every business from your news channel to your bank to your video streaming service offers robust, highly… Continue Reading

April 10, 2015
How to Avoid the 5 Scariest Big Data Pitfalls
While almost 70 percent of all companies are using big data, less than 30 percent are getting all of the goodies that's possible out of it. A number of… Continue Reading

April 8, 2015
Big Data: The Rush for Instant Results
If you were to print out all the data added to the web each year, you would need a lot of trees - probably all the trees on the planet and then some.… Continue Reading

April 6, 2015
How to Get Everyone on Board with Your Big Data Initiatives
You've read the blogs and seen the news: big data is here and you're convinced it's an excellent solution for your organization. But not everyone agrees.… Continue Reading

April 3, 2015
Is the Next Silicon Valley Coming to... Utah?
Just fewer than 3 million souls call Utah home; some 80 percent of them live and work in a comparatively small section in the north-central part of the… Continue Reading

April 2, 2015
Big Data & Social Media
Most brands have learned to leverage social media to engage with their customers, at least to some degree. They manage accounts on Facebook, Twitter,… Continue Reading

March 30, 2015
Webinar: Datameer & Bigstep CEOs get together to talk analytics on Hadoop
Analytics on Hadoop in minutes instead of daysBigstep CEO Flaviu Radulescu and Datameer CEO Stefan Groschupfsat down and discussed big data, analytics… Continue Reading

March 25, 2015
You Don't Have to Be in Robotics to Make Use of Artificial Intelligence
The concepts of robots and artificial intelligence, or AI, have been linked from the beginning. Author Samuel Butler first conjured up the idea in his… Continue Reading

March 22, 2015
Why Big Oil Wasting Big Data is a Big Deal
For those who know what big data is capable of in terms of improving production, lowering costs, and streamlining processes, it is almost unfathomable… Continue Reading

March 19, 2015
Is Virtual Reality a Viable Tool for Your Brand?
The video gaming industry was quick to jump on the virtual reality bandwagon, offering gamers a chance to really get into the game and pretend the action… Continue Reading

March 14, 2015
Is Big Data the Answer to Your Security Questions?
The year 2014 became known as the Year of the Hacker, even before it mercifully came to an end. In fact, many security experts predict that the trend… Continue Reading

March 11, 2015
Big Data: Are We All Speaking the Same Language?
Big data has brought a big host of new terms along for the ride. Though often touted as just "buzzwords," it's important that everyone understands exactly… Continue Reading

March 9, 2015
The World’s Fastest Analytic DB On The World’s Highest Performance Cloud
In-memory data analytics in the Full Metal CloudOrganizations that need to jump into their large data workloads can now benefit from the world’s… Continue Reading

March 9, 2015
SQL Versus NoSQL: What are the Differences and How Do You Choose?
For several decades, SQL (Structured Query Language) has been the most used programming language for managing databases. SQL is a relational database… Continue Reading

March 4, 2015
6 Reasons Why It's Better to Run Hadoop in the Cloud
Want to begin taking advantage of the power of Hadoop for managing and analyzing big data? If so, you have a lot of decisions to make regarding how and… Continue Reading

February 27, 2015
Choosing the Best Method for Outside Network Access
Some lucky businesses are housed in a single building, making networking a cinch. Others, however, are sprawled across large campuses, a metro area, or… Continue Reading

February 25, 2015
Thwarting Server-to-Server Communications Spoofing
Your business name is Bob Knows Best with a domain name of BobKnowsBest.com. Your customers receive an email saying that there is a problem with their… Continue Reading

February 22, 2015
5 Things You Need to Consider Before Delving Into Big Data
The benefits of big data to a single organization can be profound. When used correctly, it can provide huge savings, help a company reach more customers,… Continue Reading

February 20, 2015
Cloud-Based Data Warehousing on the Increase
Cloud adoption has been on the rise for some time, but most of the migration has been in the form of moving applications to the cloud. Only recently has… Continue Reading

February 18, 2015
Datameer on Full Metal - The Shortest Time To Insights
We are pleased to announce that we have joined forces with Datameer for helping business managers to get started with big data in a high performance,… Continue Reading

February 18, 2015
Interview with Dev Lakhani from Batch Insights on Big Data
Dev Lakhani has a background in Software Engineering and a degree in Computational Statistics from Oxford. Founder of Batch Insights, Dev has been actively… Continue Reading

February 16, 2015
SDN + Cloud = Bright Future
SDN, or software defined networking, isn't exactly new. The concept came into being back in the 1990's. However, the realization of the potential for… Continue Reading

February 15, 2015
How to Choose the Best Hadoop Vendor for Your Needs
Ready to join the growing ranks of businesses (including a number of Fortune 500 companies) that are utilizing the power of Hadoop for big data analysis?… Continue Reading

February 14, 2015
Is Docker Just for Small Biz, or Can Enterprises Take Advantage Too?
Introduced in 2013, Docker took on quickly in startups and small businesses. Originally developed to work with Linux operating systems, the new company… Continue Reading

February 13, 2015
Windows to Linux: The Challenges, The Benefits, and Making the Change
Last year, Windows operating systems were hit with an unprecedented number of malware attacks. Conversely, Linux systems were hit with only a couple of… Continue Reading

February 12, 2015
Big Data in the Cloud Offers Lucrative Job Positions
Looking for a great new career path? Big data might be your ticket to success. The supply of big data scientists and related professions is low, while… Continue Reading

February 10, 2015
Expert Interview with Paul F. Roberts on Cyber Security and Big Data
Paul F. Roberts, founder and editor in chief of The Security Ledger, has a deep passion for cyber security - especially as it relates to the Internet… Continue Reading

February 6, 2015
How to Automate Big Data with Ansible
London AnsibleFest 2015 was a day-long series of learning seminars by Ansible developers. Our IT Operations Manager, Marius opened the speaking session… Continue Reading

February 5, 2015
Best Books to Put on Your Big Data Reading List for 2015
Last year, the rage in big data literature included Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think by Kenneth Cukier and Viktor… Continue Reading

February 4, 2015
The Legal Considerations of Big Data
The focus of most companies utilizing or planning to utilize big data has so far been focused on the technologies and talents needed to process and analyze… Continue Reading

February 3, 2015
Why 2015 is Set to Be the Biggest Year for Cloud Adoption Yet
The year 2014 saw almost a 26 percent gain in cloud computing over 2013. The market ended at a worth of $76.1 billion in 2013, growing to $95.8 billion… Continue Reading

February 2, 2015
What to Expect From Big Data in 2015
Big data had quite a big year last year, as Hadoop gained more widespread acceptance and hit Wall Street with a bang. How hard will it be for big data… Continue Reading

January 27, 2015
How Ansible Might Just Be the Ideal IT Management Tool
On February 5 in London, AnsibleFest 2015 will feature a day-long series of learning seminars by Ansible developers. Our IT Operations Manager, Marius… Continue Reading

January 26, 2015
We’ve recently worked on a case study with HP for their line of ProLiant Gen9 servers. In our testing, we found up to 40% improvements… Continue Reading

January 19, 2015
North America Vs Europe: Who Will Win the Race to Cloud Adoption?
Cloud spending is on the upswing globally, and is expected to increase by another 42 percent during the year 2015, bringing the total cloud market value… Continue Reading

January 18, 2015
How Healthcare Could Be Leading the Way Towards Cloud Adoption
By most reports, the healthcare industry has been slower than most in adopting the cloud. However, some key changes recently have marked a rapid acceptance… Continue Reading

January 17, 2015
How Big Data is Changing the World of Modern Manufacturing
It's hard to find an industry that big data isn't making an impact in, but the world of manufacturing showcases the operational power of big data like… Continue Reading

January 16, 2015
Expert Interview with Mark Csernica on the Future of Big Data for Bigstep
The future of Big Data is even Bigger Data, according to Mark Csernica, technology analyst for Mind Commerce, a research and consulting firm that supports… Continue Reading

January 15, 2015
Docker Best Practices
Lean, uncomplicated, standardized, easily manageable: that's the essence of Docker containerization. Using best practices assures that all of the benefits… Continue Reading

January 14, 2015
Mark Van Rijmenam: How Big Data is Transforming Our Lives
You don't need to have massive data sets in order to start harnessing the power of Big Data, says Mark van Rijmenam, hoping to clear up one of the most… Continue Reading

January 8, 2015
How Does a Green Data Center Achieve Efficiency?
Green data centers are more than just a buzzword. Since data centers now consume twice the amount of power it takes to power all the households in New… Continue Reading

January 7, 2015
Expert Interview with Antony Falco on Databases in the Cloud
Speaking with Antony Falco, founder and former COO of Basho, turned out to be a good lesson on databases in the cloud.If you're a programmer or developer… Continue Reading

December 21, 2014
Hadoop: A $1 Trillion Opportunity?
Hadoop's growth and media attention over the past few years pales in comparison only to the biggest tech news, like the advancement of cloud computing… Continue Reading

December 16, 2014
Hadoop Used to Predict Flight Delays
Hadoop consolidates large volumes of information, stores it efficiently, processes it powerfully, and does all this inexpensively. This makes Hadoop an… Continue Reading

December 5, 2014
NoSQL Performance Benchmarks Series: Cassandra
We all know Cassandra is supposed to scale but what is its exact scaling pattern? How much faster does it get if you add an extra node? Is it truly linear?… Continue Reading

December 5, 2014
Expert Interview with Linda Bustos on Small Business and Big Data
By now, savvy business owners should be aware that big data might be their new best friend. But, says Linda Bustos, director of eCommerce research at… Continue Reading

November 28, 2014
Prediction: More Predictive Analysis Apps are on the Way
What's new in technology for 2015? One of the big predictions for big data is more predictive analysis apps. As the bare metal cloud makes cloud computing… Continue Reading

November 26, 2014
How Can I Improve Our Cloud Performance?
Latency. More than any other factor, latency has hindered the full corporate acceptance of cloud computing. Many work environments simply can't tolerate… Continue Reading

November 24, 2014
4 Ways to Boost Your Bare Metal Cloud Experience
When you're looking to reduce overhead expenses -- but you want to retain the flexibility, scalability, and efficiency of a virtualized cloud -- bare… Continue Reading

November 22, 2014
4 Reasons to Love Hadoop on the Full Metal Cloud
Though Hadoop cloud computing is achieving mass acceptance among corporations working with big data, it hasn't come without criticism, reliability among… Continue Reading

November 21, 2014
Hadoopoconomics and Other Forecasted Trends for 2015
Forrester analyst Mike Gualtier has made numerous predictions for Hadoop in the year 2015, primarily that the smart economic sense of Hadoop will inevitably… Continue Reading

November 18, 2014
Expert Interview with Douglas Karr on Marketing and Big Data
It's time to stop treating data as a lake, where you understand the width, depth, volume and number of fish, says Douglas Karr, author of Corporate Blogging… Continue Reading

November 9, 2014
5 Benefits of Cloud Performance Testing
For companies that sink or swim based on service outages and customer satisfaction ratings, the benefits of performance testing are clear and well-documented.… Continue Reading

November 7, 2014
Learning to Live with (and Overcome) Hadoop's Flaws
When it comes to managing big data, no system can match Hadoop in terms of working with huge data sets comprised of structured data, unstructured data,… Continue Reading

November 6, 2014
Interview with Paul Wilkinson on Construction's Adoption of SaaS
When it comes to SaaS, there are the early adopters and those who need some more convincing. There are plenty in the construction industry who still view… Continue Reading

November 3, 2014
Big Data Expert Interview: Andre Vermeulen
We’re excited to launch a new series of posts on our blog with industry experts in Big Data. We will be interviewing an amazing lineup of industry… Continue Reading

November 1, 2014
Why Big Data's Future is in the Cloud
It was only a matter of time before big data and the cloud converged. Traditional on-premises approaches to big data analytics are too expensive for many… Continue Reading

October 28, 2014
So What Do You Do Now with All Your Big Data?
Big data has given companies new ways of selling products to people. It has also given scientists new ways to understand complex phenomena and given journalists… Continue Reading

October 25, 2014
Why Big Data will Always Need Gut Instincts Too
Big data is hailed as the next frontier of marketing. Some predict that in the not-so-distant future, big data will virtually drive business and marketing… Continue Reading

October 22, 2014
With Bare Metal Trend, Many Companies Face Sink or Swim Scenario
Bare metal computing isn't new, but it's just gained mainstream attention recently. Developed in 2009, bare metal sort of fell to the wayside as the virtualized… Continue Reading

October 19, 2014
The Hot and Cold Relationship Between CIOs and Hadoop
Do CIOs love Hadoop, hate it, or love to hate it? It turns out, the answer is: a little of all three. While hiring Hadoop talent at unprecedented rates… Continue Reading

October 15, 2014
4 Lessons Learned from Yahoo's Massive Hadoop Cluster Setup
Yahoo! has become the largest user of Hadoop, establishing a cluster setup comprised of 10,000 CPUs located in more than 40,000 servers with 4,500 nodes.… Continue Reading

October 12, 2014
IBM Touts Cloud, Big Data for Future of Healthcare
Most healthcare managers and administrators are already familiar with the concept of big data and the cloud. In fact, about 80 percent of healthcare facilities… Continue Reading

October 8, 2014
7 Types of Businesses That Need Better Cloud Performance
Experts have predicted the popularity of the cloud to erupt the past couple of years, but this year it finally did. Now, 87 percent of businesses are… Continue Reading

October 5, 2014
5 Keys to Getting the Most Out of Big Data Apps
Big data applications are making the transition from proof-of-concept to production, and with this transition comes demand for application resiliency… Continue Reading

October 1, 2014
Why Super Speed Matters in the Cloud
Demand for low-latency networks used to be limited to time-critical, capital-intensive applications like financial trading. Today, however, organizations… Continue Reading

September 24, 2014
Addressing the IT Learning Curve with Bare Metal
The cloud is part of the natural evolution of the internet. Why run software locally when you can use a cloud app that's automatically upgraded and patched,… Continue Reading

September 24, 2014
Couchbase In The Cloud - A Performance Benchmark
This presentation was made during the Couchbase London Meetup. Our Product Manager, Alex made a performance benchmark on Couchbase which shows sub-millisecond… Continue Reading

September 17, 2014
Why Does Bare Metal + Cloud = Better?
Companies cope with exponentially more data than they had just a few years ago. The sheer number of devices that create and transmit data has proliferated… Continue Reading

September 10, 2014
Feed Your Hadoop with Bare Metal
Once limited to internet giants like Google, Hadoop is moving into the business mainstream, allowing businesses to ingest and analyze massive quantities… Continue Reading

August 27, 2014
HUG Meetup: SQL and NoSQL on Hadoop – a look at performance
As usage of Hadoop has broadened, choosing the right DB technology and deployment platform represents key factors for the performance of your data analysis… Continue Reading

August 20, 2014
Syncsort interview: Full Metal Power in the Bigstep High Performance Cloud
The team at Syncsort recently invited us to take part in their Expert Interview series with Big Data specialists. Ioana, our Commercial Director, accepted… Continue Reading

August 20, 2014
Great news: you can get 60% more performance on existing infrastructure
We recently released a series benchmarking results which reveal that you can get up to 60% more performance from existing infrastructure - be it on-premise… Continue Reading

August 19, 2014
AlignAlytics benchmarks Elasticsearch, sees 200% performance improvement
Every so often we come across a use case that makes every hour of work put into our Full Metal Cloud worth it many times over. Today we’re in the… Continue Reading

August 7, 2014
Getting the Most Out of Your NoSQL DB
Many IT directors are failing to get the optimum performance from their infrastructure. So we’ve been conducting a number of benchmarking studies to see… Continue Reading

July 29, 2014
Don’t let security concerns impact use of big data
Security is an on-going issue in IT, with data breaches and how to prevent them, top of the agenda for many CIOs. This has been exacerbated by the rise… Continue Reading

July 24, 2014
Little wins key to big data success
Big data remains one of the major forces in technology in 2014, rich in potential with insight to allow informed business decision making. Yet it does… Continue Reading

July 17, 2014
What makes a good bare metal cloud?
Bare metal cloud is a relatively new term to add to the technology lexicon. Emerging as a concept a few years ago, it has started to gain awareness and… Continue Reading

July 10, 2014
Big data in use…healthcare
The latest in our series of blog posts that look at how big data is being deployed in different industries, this time focuses on healthcare.Healthcare… Continue Reading

July 2, 2014
Bigstep presents O'Reilly webcast on getting the most from a NoSQL DB
Many IT directors are failing to get the optimum performance from their infrastructure. So we've been conducting a number of benchmarking studies to see… Continue Reading

June 20, 2014
Big data in use…the World Cup
We’ve written before about the use of big data in sport, but with the World Cup in full swing we wanted to turn our attention to how big data is… Continue Reading

June 11, 2014
Is Bigstep’s Full Metal Cloud the Best Cloud Service?
We think so, of course. But we have recently been shortlisted in the Cloud World Series Awards 2014 in the Best Cloud Service category, so maybe we aren’t… Continue Reading

June 7, 2014
Best Practices For Scaling Elasticsearch In The Cloud
Alex Bordei (@alexandrubordei), our Product Manager has benchmarked Elasticsearch on a wide range of Full Metal Clusters, in order to find the infrastructure… Continue Reading

June 4, 2014
Putting a value to big data
Most businesses have woken up to the fact that big data is an area in which they need to invest in to realise its rich potential. Finding the investment… Continue Reading

May 28, 2014
How BYOD is impacting big data
BYOD and big data are two of the biggest IT trends of recent times, vying for attention from press, analysts and influencers all across the industry and… Continue Reading

May 20, 2014
Big data in use…retail
The retail industry is a big data pioneer that could be said to have been deploying big data before the term was even coined. It has long used loyalty… Continue Reading

May 15, 2014
Getting Started with Splunk for Social Media
We work with Splunk to bring you real-time enterprise grade analytics and business insight based on your machine data. We automatically deploy the free… Continue Reading

May 13, 2014
Bigstep and Splunk Talk Social Data at Big Data Week London
Big Data Week 2014 was a huge success, with people all over the world enjoying presentations, seminars and panel discussions in more than 30 different… Continue Reading

May 6, 2014
Getting the most out of Impala
We have teamed up with Cloudera to analyse ways of working with Impala in order to optimise for both better performance and budget. We will be sharing… Continue Reading

May 2, 2014
Bigstep showcases bare metal cloud at Big Data Week 2014
When we launched our bare metal cloud in October 2013 we believed that we were delivering the world’s most powerful public compting infrastructure. The… Continue Reading

April 25, 2014
A bare metal cloud is Hadoop’s best friend
Hadoop is power-hungry – we all know that, right? It needs immense computing power to work effectively and for all the insight it can deliver, there is… Continue Reading

April 24, 2014
Cloud-busting – is there really only one true cloud?
The terms ‘cloud’ and ‘cloud computing’ and their exact definitions generate more heated debate in the technology sector than… Continue Reading

April 9, 2014
Bigstep cited again as one of Netcraft’s most reliable infrastructure providers
This is starting to become a habit. The latest Netcraft figures that look at the most reliable infrastructure providers in the world have been revealed… Continue Reading

April 3, 2014
From launch to Forbes in five months
When we launched our IaaS for big data in October 2013 we were confident the market would be intrigued by the combination of super computing power and… Continue Reading

March 21, 2014
The rise and rise of the data scientist
Even a few years ago, the job title ‘data scientist’ wouldn’t have sounded that interesting or important. How times change.The ever-increasing importance… Continue Reading

March 7, 2014
Bigstep, ODBMS.ORG and Big Data
Our infrastructure has been designed to ensure that organisations can process and manage their big data in the requried time and is the world’s most powerful… Continue Reading

March 3, 2014
Bigstep and ComputeNext - an award-winning partnership?
After our triumph last week as ‘newcomer of the year’ in the UK Cloud Awards 2014 it feels like a good time to announce a new partnership with ComputeNext,… Continue Reading

February 27, 2014
Bigstep: the UK Cloud Award newcomer of the year!
This week is proving to be a very busy and successful week for us and the highlight came last night, when Bigstep was crowned newcomer of the year at… Continue Reading

February 26, 2014
Bigstep – a UK Cloud Award winner?
Awards and commendations are not to be taken lightly, especially for an emerging business such as ourselves. That is why we are delighted and excited… Continue Reading

February 14, 2014
Big data in use…HR
When organisations talk about deploying big data, they usually mean within the marketing department. The insight gleaned from big data is used to better… Continue Reading

February 12, 2014
Bigstep features in Netcraft’s monthly Top 10….again
Netcraft has just published its most recent figures into the world’s most reliable infrastructure providers. We are delighted to reveal that one again… Continue Reading

January 2, 2014
Using big data for real time insight
We recently blogged about some of the different practical uses an organisation can find for big data. But many of the best use cases also have an additional… Continue Reading

December 20, 2013
Don’t let big data be a big drain on resources
Big data and virtualisation are two of the dominant technology trends of the past few years. But can they work together effectively? Big data requires… Continue Reading

December 19, 2013
The need for speed
When it comes to technology, size certainly isn’t everything. But speed might well be. Of all the qualities users looks for in almost every type of technology,… Continue Reading

December 5, 2013
What to look for in data centre location
2013 has been the year of data controversy. With the furore around PRISM in particular making headlines around the world, data has never been so topical… Continue Reading

December 4, 2013
Ever wondered what hardware your cloud provider uses?
There are times when cloud providers are able to hide behind the vagaries of the cloud. Because you can’t physically see or touch something it can be… Continue Reading

December 3, 2013
Will the cloud ever truly make its mark on the enterprise?
For all the benefits of cloud services there remains a perception that the cloud is not necessarily for the enterprise. Sure, major enterprises use the… Continue Reading

November 20, 2013
Public or private cloud…or both?
The rise to prominence of cloud computing over the last decade has dramatically changed the way many businesses operate. Whilst there are some traditionalists… Continue Reading

November 19, 2013
How is big data being used?
Most organisations will be using big data somewhere within the business. Or certainly claim they are using it, big data is one of the most discussed terms… Continue Reading

November 18, 2013
Is pay-per-hour the future for IaaS?
Does it strike you as fair that if you want to run a query on your big data that requires vast computing power, you have to pay for more power than you… Continue Reading

November 12, 2013
Beating I/O bottlenecks
There are few things as frustrating in enterprise computing as delays caused by I/O bottlenecks. Your organisation has the right infrastructure and the… Continue Reading

November 1, 2013
Big data without high power computing just doesn’t make sense
There is more data in the world than ever before and it is growing faster than it ever has, with 90% of all the data in existence having been generated… Continue Reading

October 31, 2013
Super computing performance for big data processing…two weeks on
It has been a few weeks now since we launched our new IaaS that uses bare metal power to bring supercomputing speeds to the commercial sector and provide… Continue Reading

October 28, 2013
Low latency and big data
Low latency was once only really spoken about within financial trading firms. But in 2013 low latency networks are desired and used by businesses of all… Continue Reading

October 15, 2013
Bigstep launch brings supercomputing performance to big data processing
We’ve been planning today for what feels like forever, but are all the more excited because of that. Today is the day that Bigstep launches!Our product… Continue Reading

October 4, 2013
Cloud-busting – is the cloud really the inexpensive option?
We are big fans of the cloud. We provide bare-metal performance – fast and powerful – with the flexibility of the cloud, so are firm believers in all… Continue Reading

October 2, 2013
Keeping your big data safe and secure
An organisation’s big data is one of the most powerful assets it holds. With the right computing infrastructure to process it all, big data is full of… Continue Reading

September 25, 2013
Structuring big data can be a personal business
If you’re an organisation that uses big data – and most businesses do in 2013 – then you’ll be aware that managing big data can place a huge strain on… Continue Reading

September 16, 2013
Why bare metal cloud gives a winning performance
There is an elephant in the room when it comes to virtualisation. Of course there are many benefits, but ultimately virtualisation eats performance and… Continue Reading

September 13, 2013
In 2013, why are there still cloud-sceptics out there?
The cloud has existed for a number of years now and the benefits – flexibility, scalability, no CAPEX – are clear for all to see. Yet not everyone is… Continue Reading

September 12, 2013
Is your infrastructure preventing you from maximising the potential of your big data?
Whatever your own specific definition is as to what exactly constitutes big data, most organisations now will claim to be processing big data in some… Continue Reading

September 11, 2013
5 months in the Netcraft’s monthly Top 10. How about that?
We've recently received good news from Netcraft twice: in August we’ve reached 3rd place in their top 10 and, also, it’s our fifth consecutive month in… Continue Reading

July 3, 2013
Netcraft: “Bigstep started being monitored three months ago and has maintained a 100% uptime record thus far”.
That’s right, we have good news again, and it’s for the third time in a row. In April of this year, our first month of being monitored, we were ranked… Continue Reading

May 3, 2013
What a coincidence: First time monitored by Netcraft, first time in the top 10! :)
Netcraft has just announced its April Top 10 and we’re happy to announce that we hit seventh place, and on our first month of being monitored too :).… Continue Reading

February 25, 2013
Hosting market segmentation - What’s the story? (II)
Market segmentation based on workload typesIn our previous article, we have analyzed the hosting market segmentation in terms of client size (based on… Continue Reading