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HUG Meetup: SQL and NoSQL on Hadoop – a look at performance

As usage of Hadoop has broadened, choosing the right DB technology and deployment platform represents key factors for the performance of your data analysis setup.
But how do you decide which way to go? SQL or NoSQL? Cloud or on premise? Virtualised or bare metal? We’ve decided to answer these questions, so we worked with Exasol and Couchbase to find the best performance/price setup for both SQL and NoSQL on Hadoop. We will be presenting our findings at the next Hadoop Users Group Meetup on the 16th of September.
Avira will also be joining us and share best practices on how to engineer connectors between systems, in order to maximize performance. Their own Couchdoop was built to link their CDH cluster with Couchbase in production.
Then, Alex, our Product Manager will follow-up with a few tips & tricks on how to improve performance in just about any existing infrastructure by as much as 60%. Yes, it can be done :)
Speakers & Agenda
The Meetup will start with Exasol’s representative - Graham Mossman, Senior Solutions Engineer which will be speaking about SQL and ‘SQL-like’ technologies over Hadoop: an overview on performance.
The Exasol’s findings series will be continued by Dave Shuttleworth, Principal Consultant, who will present performance and TCO comparison of EXASOL on dedicated servers, our Bigstep Full Metal Cloud and AWS, together with results for Cloudera Impala and Amazon Redshift.
You can read their entire bios on the Meetup event page.
After the Exasol’s presentation, the meetup will continue with interesting findings on Connecting Hadoop with Couchbase: Engineering for performance, presented by Calin-Andrei Burloiu, Big Data Engineer at Avira and Radu Pastia, Big Data Team Leader at Avira.
They will talk about the challenges that Avira’s team encountered while developing Couchdoop and will also reveal how they tuned it for performance.
Radu and Calin will show how much throughput can be squeezed from a Hadoop connector. Haven’t you always wanted to know? :)
Alex will end this Meetup with a few tips & tricks on how to get up to 60% more performance from existing infrastructure – be it on-premise or outsourced, bare metal or virtualised.
We’ll be sure to share the presentations with you after the event. In the meantime, if performance is a priority for your business, you might find interesting some of our previous tests and reviews such as this O’Reilly webcast or our benchmarking on Couchbase.
If you have any questions for us before the event, just drop us a comment and we’ll do our best to answer.
Stay tuned for updates!
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