Technology Allies
Log Analysis
Why partner up with Bigstep?
We bring seamless integration and performance to your big data deployments
We’re completely focused on providing the best-integrated, highest-performance cloud infrastructure for big data. Every person working at Bigstep is passionate about big data. We speak your language, understand your software and know how to optimize every aspect of our platform to ensure that you and your clients get the best price-performance offerings.
We'll shorten the sales cycle. Together.
Showcasing your software solutions on a poor-performing platform is sabotaging your POCs. When your clients are sitting in a conference room, and staring at that screen, waiting and waiting for the result of a query to pop up, your demo is doing you more harm than good. As our partner, ensuring performance and cross-application integration will be a breeze. Your solutions will respond instantly and the road to conversion will be much, much shorter.
Let's gather round the meeting table!
We are focused on keeping our lead as the world’s highest-performance big data platform-as-a-service. We do groundbreaking work and we’re great at it. Nonetheless, we are the first to acknowledge that we owe much of our success to our technology allies. Apart from resulting in industry breakthroughs, our partnerships constantly generate common business opportunities.