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Hadoop Posts

Hadoop Adoption Just Got Way Easier

Predictions for Hadoop adoption among enterprises have been highly hopeful. One such prediction anticipated that Hadoop would achieve a 75 percent adoption… Continue Reading

How Can You Explain Hadoop to the Non-Techies in the C-Suite?

Getting upper management to expand the IT budget is hard enough when they actually understand what you're asking for, like new PCs or better Wi-Fi. But… Continue Reading

Does Taking on Hadoop Mean the End of Your Data Warehouse?

There seems to be some confusion among executives -- many respond in polls to indicate that Hadoop will eventually replace their data warehouses entirely.… Continue Reading

The Database VS the Data Warehouse: What's the Difference and Which Do You Need?

In this era of big data, it's becoming increasingly difficult to determine what type of data storage you need to conduct day-to-day business operations… Continue Reading

Data Driven Digital Marketing - How Hadoop Can Help

Data leads to proper analysis, which in turn leads to more conversions. Every successful marketing strategy relies on data to get the desired results.… Continue Reading

You Don't Have to Be in Robotics to Make Use of Artificial Intelligence

The concepts of robots and artificial intelligence, or AI, have been linked from the beginning. Author Samuel Butler first conjured up the idea in his… Continue Reading

6 Reasons Why It's Better to Run Hadoop in the Cloud

Want to begin taking advantage of the power of Hadoop for managing and analyzing big data? If so, you have a lot of decisions to make regarding how and… Continue Reading

How to Choose the Best Hadoop Vendor for Your Needs

Ready to join the growing ranks of businesses (including a number of Fortune 500 companies) that are utilizing the power of Hadoop for big data analysis?… Continue Reading

Best Books to Put on Your Big Data Reading List for 2015

Last year, the rage in big data literature included Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think by Kenneth Cukier and Viktor… Continue Reading

Hadoop: A $1 Trillion Opportunity?

Hadoop's growth and media attention over the past few years pales in comparison only to the biggest tech news, like the advancement of cloud computing… Continue Reading

Hadoop Used to Predict Flight Delays

Hadoop consolidates large volumes of information, stores it efficiently, processes it powerfully, and does all this inexpensively. This makes Hadoop an… Continue Reading

4 Reasons to Love Hadoop on the Full Metal Cloud

Though Hadoop cloud computing is achieving mass acceptance among corporations working with big data, it hasn't come without criticism, reliability among… Continue Reading