Technically Speaking

The Official Bigstep Blog


Performance for Big Data Apps Posts

Recapping the Year of Transition for Hadoop & NoSQL

In 2015, Hadoop and NoSQL gained mainstream adoption and big data moved from buzzword to real investment. Both platforms grew and matured, with numerous… Continue Reading

What Separates a Successful Data Lake from an Unsuccessful One?

The data lake is a relative newcomer to the land of data storage, but it's rapidly making a name for itself for several reasons. Data lakes are ideal… Continue Reading

Tackling Big Data – Choosing the option that works for you

This article is written by Felix Crisan – CTO @ Netopia, payment processor and developer of mobilPay wallet. It first appeared  on Big Data Week's blog,… Continue Reading

Interview with Ben Lorica for Big Data Week

Big Data Week will debute on 23 November, having the main conference on Nov 25, in London. We are the Elite Sponsor for the eventThis blog post is part… Continue Reading

Have Your Say At Big Data Week London!

Scientists, visualizers, analysts and executives: you’re invited to be a part of The Big Data Week Community. You want your big data story to be… Continue Reading

3 Totally Awesome Real-World Uses for Big Data

You've read a lot about big data, and are probably familiar with a few ways it is used in the real world. For instance, most people are aware that big… Continue Reading

It's Not Too Late to be a Big Data Scientist When You Grow Up

The average data scientists commands considerably more than $100,000 per year. At top employers like Twitter and Facebook, that figure is well over $135,000… Continue Reading

Now You See It, Now You See It Better: How to Turn Big Data Into a Purposeful Visual Presentation

By now, it's common knowledge that the reason the space shuttle Challenger blew up mid-launch was because of an O-ring that failed at temperature. What's… Continue Reading

Are You Ready for the Future of Big Data?

The initial surge of the big data revolution is winding down. Most businesses are now at least aware of the potential big data holds and have a plan in… Continue Reading

Ouch! 4 Big Data Pain Points That Need a Remedy Now

What pain points are preventing you from undertaking a big data initiative, or making it slower, harder, and more expensive to get yours off the ground?… Continue Reading

The Operating System is Dead

As an infrastructure provider we have been involved in maintaining and running hundreds of thousands of operating system installations over the years.… Continue Reading

How To Benchmark NoSQL Databases

People make wrong design decisions all the time. Typical developers are under immense pressure to meet a deadline and they very often just take gut decisions… Continue Reading