The Official Bigstep Blog

Technically Speaking


Getting the most out of Impala

We have teamed up with Cloudera to analyse ways of working with Impala in order to optimise for both better performance and budget. We will be sharing… Continue Reading

Bigstep showcases bare metal cloud at Big Data Week 2014

When we launched our bare metal cloud in October 2013 we believed that we were delivering the world’s most powerful public compting infrastructure. The… Continue Reading

A bare metal cloud is Hadoop’s best friend

Hadoop is power-hungry – we all know that, right? It needs immense computing power to work effectively and for all the insight it can deliver, there is… Continue Reading

Cloud-busting – is there really only one true cloud?

The terms ‘cloud’ and ‘cloud computing’ and their exact definitions generate more heated debate in the technology sector than… Continue Reading

Bigstep cited again as one of Netcraft’s most reliable infrastructure providers

This is starting to become a habit. The latest Netcraft figures that look at the most reliable infrastructure providers in the world have been revealed… Continue Reading

From launch to Forbes in five months

When we launched our IaaS for big data in October 2013 we were confident the market would be intrigued by the combination of super computing power and… Continue Reading

The rise and rise of the data scientist

Even a few years ago, the job title ‘data scientist’ wouldn’t have sounded that interesting or important. How times change.The ever-increasing importance… Continue Reading

Bigstep, ODBMS.ORG and Big Data

Our infrastructure has been designed to ensure that organisations can process and manage their big data in the requried time and is the world’s most powerful… Continue Reading

Bigstep and ComputeNext - an award-winning partnership?

After our triumph last week as ‘newcomer of the year’ in the UK Cloud Awards 2014 it feels like a good time to announce a new partnership with ComputeNext,… Continue Reading

Bigstep: the UK Cloud Award newcomer of the year!

This week is proving to be a very busy and successful week for us and the highlight came last night, when Bigstep was crowned newcomer of the year at… Continue Reading

Bigstep – a UK Cloud Award winner?

Awards and commendations are not to be taken lightly, especially for an emerging business such as ourselves. That is why we are delighted and excited… Continue Reading

Big data in use…HR

When organisations talk about deploying big data, they usually mean within the marketing department. The insight gleaned from big data is used to better… Continue Reading