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Update: AWS DocumentDB vs. MongoDB on Bigstep Metal Cloud
Post Update: video recording of the benchmarking webinar hosted on March 14th, by Bigstep’s Solution Architect, Cosmin Pintoiu.
At the beginning of January, Amazon Web Services announces the launch of a new database in their offering: DocumentDB. If you type Mongo in AWS search, you will find DocumentDB, a fully managed, fast, scalable and highly available document database. AWS admit that DocumentDB is built around an older version of open source mongo DB technology.
Following the news, on March 14th, Bigstep hosted a webinar where we compared the performance of DocumentDB on AWS with MongoDB on Bigstep Metal Cloud.

We benchmarked both MongoDB(v4) on Bigstep Bare Metal Cloud and AWS DocumentDB using JMeter for the following:
- Throughput
- Latency
- Scalability and cost comparison
Having a synthetic workload, the results should be taken with a grain of salt, but they do offer a good overview of both products performance. The benchmark is easily reproducible as all the code and methodology will be available online on Github.
Many recent articles are providing additional details from both companies: MongoDB CEO positioning, AWS justification, or experts opinions but none that compares the products from a technical or performance perspective. AWS declares DocumentDB achieves twice the throughput and lower latency compared to Mongo but is it so?
Post Update
We would like to thank all the registrants and participants to this event, who made the experience a constructive and interactive one. You can also download the slides used in the webinar AWS DocumentDB vs. MongoDB on Bigstep Metal Cloud.
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