Technically Speaking

The Official Bigstep Blog


Video: Improve Business-Critical System Monitoring and Alerting

October 13-14 marked the new hybrid edition of Big Data Week Online Conference, and we are proud to have joined as presenting partners. The event turned out a success and we are now sharing with you Bigstep’s talk on how to improve business-critical system monitoring and alerting on a bare metal server infrastructure.

With more than 15 years of experience in various IT areas, such as IT Project Management and R&D, Mihail Musat is now Director of Technical Operations at Bigstep, and oversees several different business areas, from Technical Customer Support to Security Audits. He will go on the business track to share his expertise on servers, big data workloads, ISO certifications, GDPR, and security.

Mihail discussed how we use big data in an industry where uptime is a critical business metric, as he unveiled a best-case practice for a solution collecting data from several countries. By sharing the operational workflows that need to be set up to further integrate this solution with relevant tools, he showed us how to achieve an above the industry average SLA and Customer Satisfaction score.

Through his talk, he answered questions such as:

  • Is downtime 100% avoidable?
  • Where can things go wrong?
  • How does the unstructured data world look like behind the scenes?
  • How to get relevant information from unstructured data?
  • Why bare metal for big data workloads?
  • How to build proactive actionable systems?

Watch Mihail’s presentation at Big Data Week 2021 on Improving Business-Critical System Monitoring and Alerting below:


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