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[People of Bigstep] George Bunea – “I treat any unexpected situation with calm and composure”
George, Business Development at Bigstep, joined us this year with incredible energy and positivity. He is oftentimes the first person our new clients discuss with, so let’s learn more about his background, work habits, hobbies, and how he adapted to the new work environment.

Hi George, please tell us a few words about yourself.
Hi! This is a tough question that I never really knew how to answer. I think I always try to focus on those around me and their needs and, therefore, I haven’t gotten used to being under the spotlight myself. I’m now 28 years old, a proud dad of a 6 months old baby girl, with my feet firmly planted on the ground and my head high up into the sky. So I’m keeping it real, but dreaming big along the way!
What’s your position within the company and how does your work day look like?
I’ve joined Bigstep Cloud in April 2021 as a Business Consultant and no day has been the same. The job can be complex and demanding at times, and the rewards can be even greater. But each day starts with the same old-fashioned mug of coffee, that most of us can’t live without, right?
Why do you enjoy working in the tech industry?
The people, the knowledge, and the technological advancements we are part of are what keep my interest to work in IT high up. You get to learn so much new stuff, to walk in pace with the tech industry developments and share experiences with bright minds and great people. What’s not to enjoy?
What do you do when a customer asks you an unexpected question?
I offer an unexpected answer :) Jokes aside, I try to keep calm and think clear, so I can ultimately have a valid answer for the customer. From my experience, it’s not about simply throwing an answer out there, but it’s more about listening actively, understanding and acknowledging the root cause of the issue and, of course, finding a solution. So, I treat any unexpected question the same way I treat any unexpected situation (work related or personal): with calm and composure.
How would you explain what a server is to a non-technical person?
I guess naming it a bigger computer whose job is to communicate with other computers is how I would start explaining it. Or I could maybe say that a server is like a big market store, where all the food and products would actually be your emails, photos, files, websites, etc. All of the products and food are stored and available for customers (smaller computers) to come and look at (window shopping - browsing online), purchase (download), return and exchange (upload), all while there’s a few other hundreds or thousands of people shopping at the same time and employees buzzing through the store, moving stuff (data) around.
Can you tell us what differentiates Bigstep Metal Cloud from similar products on the market?
The flexibility we are offering in matching custom business needs and our scalable, bare-metal servers. It’s like comparing cars: any car has the potential of driving you from point A to point B, but not all of them offer you the same safety, comfort, performance and not to mention reliability. Some cars even stop suddenly and you need to take care of them; just like servers. But due to its features, with Bigstep Metal Cloud you don’t need to worry about that.
We know you started a new hobby regarding beekeeping. Can you tell us more about it?
That is true. During this year’s spring season, I got 5 bee hives to look after as a side hobby. I had never been near a bee hive before, but I always had great respect for bees and beekeepers and I wanted to try it out. I’m far from being an expert yet and still have a lot to learn, but the experience so far has been absolutely great.
Beekeeping can be very relaxing and rewarding. Looking closely at the bees, seeing how they act, learning how their bodies are built and how they organize themselves put everything in a whole new perspective and I now have the utmost respect for these humble, yet very intelligent and extremely important small flying insects.
What other hobbies do you have?
Cycling, hiking, driving, travelling and anything else in between. During my previous years, before the pandemic and before I got to be a dad, I was highly active in mountain biking and hiking. Times have changed a bit lately and my priorities are now a bit different, so while my normal hobbies have now been slightly paused, I now mainly focus on being close to my family. Spending time with my daughter is basically my new, main hobby. And I love it!
What common challenges have you encountered in your work as business development consultant and in your hobbies?
I think it’s mostly related to the pandemic times and how that affected both our personal and professional lives. There is nothing specific related to my job or hobbies, but more the fact that we had to stay indoors so much.
Working from home has its advantages, but during a pandemic with lockdowns or restrictions, it can be difficult sometimes. Missing the personal office interaction and freedom and safety of being around and close to other people without worries, has been my biggest challenge I would say.
Which are the three things that you enjoy most about working at Bigstep?
I like the company vibe the most, if I can put it that way. The people, the flexibility and freedom of speech I found in Bigstep are among the strongest values I found working here. You get the feeling of belonging to a family and I think that is really hard to find.
What is your biggest work and/or hobby achievement?
I believe each day I get to help a client, or make someone’s day just a little bit better, or have successful results myself is in itself an achievement. Of course, there are a few memorable moments along my career or personal life, where I maybe felt I did the impossible, saved the day, or simply went above and beyond and far exceeded my own expectations, and while those moments were great, they would also require too much context and details to put into words here.
However, there’s a lesson that I gradually started learning and that is that I should start enjoying the journey more, not the destination, as chasing after numbers or big moments can take away the fun and reward of all the small steps ahead.
How do you plan to develop further?
On a personal level, I plan on being the best dad for my baby girl and investing as much time as possible in being involved and there for her. And professionally, I take each day as a new opportunity for improving myself and giving 100% in everything that I do.
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