Technically Speaking

The Official Bigstep Blog


It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… No, It’s a Sysadmin! - Infographic

Whether you admit it or not, sysadmins are the unsung heroes of the internet. However, who would’ve thought that these superheroes would be more afraid of humans than of fire? We learned about it by surveying more than 1000 sysadmins in a short quiz. See their preference of OS, which task is easier for them, and what not to ask them in our sysadmin appreciation day infographic.

10-year uptime? Sysadmins don’t even get a thanks.

2-min downtime? Expect major abuse and angry tickets.

That’s how Sysadmin Day came into being, and it’s always on the last Friday in July. That means today!

To show our recognition for sysadmins everywhere, we put together this sysadmin superhero infographic. It provides insights about their work, views, and challenges.

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